Drunken Faun - From a Melon
Dear Drunk..en Faun,
I am a drinking gourd from teh furthest reaches of downtown Jax...AND i GOT A QUESTION. how many silver foxen does it take to screw in a.... oh wait.
I mean... Whose leg do I have to hump to get a sleeping partner in your- I mean DEW'S -house..??!! I was the only Melon.. without a bed-buddy during "The Big Sleep..-(over)" ;_;
Even the Phone got turned on. Not mee. :(
ok.. I luv you... not in a prison kinda way.
The Melon

Dear Intox..icate..d Melon..,
Wow.......you can'..t spell... But that is a good thing.. becau..se you have my persp..ectiv..e on this.....
So. I have a leg, and and I'm sure that it's more polit..icall..y corre..ct to hump mine than an unsus..pecti..ng fox'..s. Seein..g as I'm at least.. half human.., the ASPCA.. might.. be more lenie..nt on that than the full on besti..ality.. thing......
And since.. you'..re a volup..tuous.. lady and all that,.. you CAN love me in a priso..n kind of way. *..wink*.. Just so long as I'm not the wife,.. '..cause.. I can'..t pull off a flora..l apron...
(..Translated from inane drunken babble by -Jackie & Leola.)
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