Monday, December 27, 2010

Drunken Faun - Too Many Questions

Dear Drunken Faun,

Hey, did you see that place last week, next to the pizza joint, How many times did you go to Adams street in 1987, How old were you when you started drinking, How many times has a tree looked at you, Did you see that hehehehehe I'm so high, where's the tacos, I want tacos, they're majicaly delicious and great with sugar, hey, what if the whole Bank Of America building was made out of marshmallow peanuts and we could all eat it, but then we'd have no money....yeah.

Love, really man,

Stoney the Centaur

Dear Dumb, High, Bitch Ass,

Your stupidity just sobered me up.

Jackie & Leola: Whoa.

Yeah, that's right, stoners will sober you up faster than sitting naked on a jet turbine.  So, go sit in your park or crawl back under your friggin pier and go ahead and follow the pretty pink butterflies into traffic! Go sprinkle some flower petals over the leper victims, they'll love it, let 'em give you a big hug!

Leola: So....I take it you don't like potheads?

Jackie: More power to you!  I'm starting to like you a little.

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