Monday, December 27, 2010

Drunken Faun - An Affair With Hatred

Dear Drunken Faun,

Is Fedora your only child?

- Got Axlerod? (Check out our myspace!)

Dear...You guys suck,

As a matter of fact, I think and am only 2% sure of that not being a possibility.  The other 100 and 5% is completely up to nature and your mom.
You see, I think something amazing happened the other year or two ago, I had an affair with Leola's hatred. It was a beautiful, and horrible time.
Anyway, I named the child Sunshine Dewdrop Cottoncandy Drunken Faun. And she lives under the bridge with Fedora in a cozy little tea kettle shaped box and yeah.....

Leola: You had an affair with what?

Your hatred

Jackie: Well, she's got plenty of it left so I'm pretty sure that it's not just her's.

Well, that's what she told me, and her name was Sacajawea.....Pumpkin....Sasquatch....Riddalin...

Jackie: Now you're just making this up!

Well, Hatred and I just keep having disagreements so we just keep calling them different things.

Leola: You suck. And It's not my hatred, it's the bum with no teeth living on the corner of Adams and Main.  Get it right!

You're just jealous...that your hatred's getting laid.

Jackie: Here's some vodka, go back to sleep.

Leola: I can bash your head in with this shovel....

What was that?

Jackie and Leola: Nothing...Nazi.

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